L’appuntamento Etilene per tutti, (Ro)versi ritrovati, previsto domenica 18 giugno all’Arena dello Stadio dei Pini, è stato riprogrammato per domenica 25 giugno, alle 19, alla Darsena del Sale di Cervia.

L’appuntamento è a ingresso libero e sarà legato a una raccolta fondi destinata alla ricostruzione delle Saline di Cervia (saranno a disposizione vinili dell’album degli Zois e libri). Coloro che avevano già acquistato il biglietto per l’appuntamento di domenica 18 saranno contattati dalla Biglietteria del Festival per eventuale rimborso.

Il Trebbo in musica 2.3

Tribute to Roberto Roversi for the 100th anniversary of his birth (1923-2012)
Zois with Ernesto Assante
Etilene per tutti
(Ro)versi ritrovati

with the contribution of

No one knows if Lucio Dalla ever received them, if he ever thought of setting them to music, or if they were written after their collaboration ended. What is certain is that these seven previously unpublished poems by Roberto Roversi have been sitting in a drawer since at least the 1970s. Now the Bolognese band Zois is releasing them to the world in song form. Songs that vibrate with futuristic, powerful and dreamy rock, with guitars and computers, analogue synthesizers and sampling, capable of linking the past with the future, penetrating the space-time gap that the poet opened so many years ago. Songs that embrace the poet’s prophetic and visionary power as well as Dalla’s daring tendency towards musical experimentation. For nuance and variety, they are almost little soundtracks for short films, tiles in a story that sketches the outlines of the future.

Il Trebbo 2.3 Magazine