Orchestra Giovanile Luigi Cherubini
Tokyo-Harusai Festival Orchestra
Coro del Teatro Petruzzelli di Bari
Coro del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Coro di Voci Bianche dell’Accademia Teatro alla Scala

basso Ildar Abdrazakov
maestri dei cori Franco Sebastiani, Cristiano Dell’Oste, Bruno Casoni

Giuseppe Verdi
da Nabucco Sinfonia e Coro d’introduzione “Gli arredi festivi”
da Attila Aria e Cabaletta di Attila “Mentre gonfiarsi l’anima… Oltre quel limite”
da Macbeth Ballabili atto III
da La forza del destino Sinfonia
da I lombardi alla prima crociata Coro della processione “Gerusalem… Gerusalem… la grande”

Arrigo Boito
da Mefistofele Prologo

si ringraziano l’Ambasciata del Giappone in Italia, la Fondazione Italia Giappone e Koichi Suzuki

Whether it is meant to heal the wounds caused by a war or by the blind forces of nature, to placate secular misunderstandings, to rediscover ancient identity roots, or to join in a symbolic communion the most different faiths, this 20th trip of friendship is once again the celebration of the power of music, the only language that can go beyond words. In this case, music is also a suitable tool for the celebration of a 150-year-old friendship: after the concert that saw Riccardo Muti and “his” Cherubini join the Harusai Festival Orchestra in Tokyo last March, these musicians will meet again in Ravenna in a mutual embrace. Combining these two distant and different peoples is the genius of Verdi: for us, a mother tongue; for them, a genuine passion.

Biglietteria serale al Pala de André dalle ore 19: tel. 331 1795599