Nicola Antonio Porpora
Il trionfo della Divina Giustizia
ne’ tormenti e morte di Gesù Cristo

Oratorio in due parti (Napoli 1716)

conductor Nicola Valentini

Maria, sempre Vergine Candida Guida
Giustizia Divina Erica Alberini
Giovanni, Apostolo Angelo Testori
Maddalena Chiara Nicastro

Ensemble Dolce Concento
Lucrezia Nappini, Stefano Gullo violini
Alice Bisanti viola
Paolo Ballanti violoncello
Sebastiano Barbieri contrabbasso
Filippo Pantieri clavicembalo
Simone Amelli tromba

In just a few years, he would become one of the most prominent opera composers of the 18th century. He would rival Händel in London, mentor the great castrati Farinelli and Caffarelli, and influence Haydn in Vienna. Sadly, he would eventually die in poverty in his hometown of Naples. And it was for Naples that the very young Porpora composed this oratorio dedicated to the Passion of Christ, in which he already showed the mastery of contrapuntal technique and the sensitivity to vocal virtuosity of his approaching maturity. Mary, John, and Magdalene witness Christ’s crucifixion together with Divine Justice. But the latter’s unwavering confidence is not enough to ease the Virgin’s suffering. She barely resists falling into despair, revealing the mixture of humanity and theatricality that one expects from any great mourner.