Lo Sciamano di ghiaccio

direction, set and lighting design Fabio Cherstich
dramaturgy Guido Barbieri
videomaker Piergiorgio Casotti
composer and performer Massimo Pupillo
music dramaturgy Oscar Pizzo
images Piergiorgio Casotti
assistant director Diletta Ferruzzi

Manuel Zurria flutes
Oscar Pizzo keyboard
Massimo Pupillo electric bass and live electronics

coproduction Ravenna Festival, Festival Aperto di Reggio Emilia, Transart Festival di Bolzano
world premiere

The Inuit are one of the world’s oldest and most peaceful peoples. However, they are currently at a crucial crossroads. Inhabiting an area that spans Alaska, Greenland and Canada, they are threatened by climate change and mining policies in Canada and the United States, and their population has dwindled to 120,000. Forced to limit their traditional hunting practices, plagued by rampant alcoholism, and with the highest youth suicide rate in the world, the Inuit are on the brink of extinction. The new project by Barbieri, Cherstich and Pizzo aims to share their plight through theatre, film and music. Featuring original music, images especially shot in Greenland, and the voices of two Canadian Inuit singers, the story explores the shifting balance between light and dark, where urban modernity and archaic lifestyles coexist.