Fragili Film/Solo agli specchi

direction and choreography Marianna Troise
re-staging curated by Marianna Troise and Susanna Sastro
performers Maria Avolio, Mariapia Capasso, Ludovica Zoina
costume design Carla Colarusso
original music Daniele Sepe
lighting designer Gianluca Sacco
music re-edited by Vito Pizzo
scene production Ciro Rubinacci

re-staged within the Progetto RIC.CI
Reconstruction Italian Contemporary Choreography Anni ’80-’90
concept and artistic direction Marinella Guatterini
management and communication Silvia Coggiola photography Alberto Calcinai

production KÖRPER | Centro Nazionale di produzione della danza
coproduction Campania Teatro Festival
in coproduction with Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le arti contemporanee, Ravenna Festival, Torinodanza festival, Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale
in collaboration with Amat – Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali/ Teatro Pubblico Pugliese – Consorzio Regionale per le Arti e la Cultura/ Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo onlus and Fondazione Milano – Civica Scuola di Teatro “Paolo Grassi”

The final stage of RIC.CI 1 is dedicated to choreographer Marianna Troise, her insatiable passion for strong and light dance, acrobatics, visual arts, poetry and words, and her interactions with artists, critics, street people and the homeless. Her instinct and taste have made her a cornerstone of contemporary theatre in the Campania region since the 1970s, with well-established connections to international museums and art galleries. Fragili Film – Solo agli specchi sums up her polymorphous and multifaceted activity; the words of the poet Milli Graffi are imbued with movement, soaked in it. As Marianna writes: «I now see much more than my reflection. Her words, which I had plundered, now return to me—and at me—pregnant with my gesture, charged with my exuberance. In the interplay of contrasts, I follow a familiar path and continue… to my return».