© Luca Concas

Ravenna Festival in Cervia – Milano Marittima
PER L’ALTO SALE – Il trebbo in musica 2.0

Tribute to Federico Fellini
Italian Jazz Orchestra

conductor Fabio Petretti
Simone Zanchini accordion

music by Nono Rota

In 1979, on a radio interview, Fellini declared that his relationship with music was one “of vague annoyance”: “music disturbs me, I prefer not to listen to it. It is a sort of invasion, of possession… something that penetrates me, absorbs me, and completely overtakes me.”Not only that: Fellini goes on to argue that “music also has a blackmail aspect to it, an admonishing quality… Music has integrity and perfection; its harmonious laws are always totally respected, evoked and expressed… And I feel as if it is always trying to hint at a kingdom of perfection and subtle laws that we know is out of reach.” To him, music had a moralistic power he’d rather shun away from: “I want to take life as it comes, like a dog that sniffs here and there, and I don’t want to approach anything that is idealized. Thus, I am impressed and shocked to see that Nino, on the contrary, fully inhabits this extremely harmonious galaxy… So much so that he doesn’t even realise it.” ‘Nino’ is obviously Nino Rota, Fellini’s close friend, the exceptional composer who signed the scores of almost all his films, from The White Sheikh to Orchestra Rehearsal.
Rota’s scores will be re-proposed here in an unrepeatable fresco by Fabio Petretti’s Italian Jazz Orchestra featuring the chameleon’s ability of Simone Zanchini’s accordion. In the awareness that music can stir the unconscious and travel through time, they will evoke Fellini’s universe right from Rota’s unforgettable melodies… with all the risks this entails.

Tickets of the events featured in Per l’alto sale – Il Trebbo in musica 2.0 can be purchased through the general sales channels [read more], but also from:
IAT Cervia Torre San Michele, Via A. Evangelisti 4 (every day 9.30-18.30)
ph. +39 0544 974400 iatcervia@cerviaturismo.it
– IAT Milano Marittima Piazzale Napoli 30 (every day 10-13 |16-19)
ph. +390544 993435 iatmilanomarittima@cerviaturismo.it
the ticket office at the venue, open from 20.30 Stadio dei Pini “Germano Todoli”, Viale Ravenna 61, Milano Marittima (RA)

Il Trebbo 2.0 Magazine